Historial de búsquedas

Base de datos Solicitud de búsqueda No. de registros
SERIUNAM WRD Palabras= Research 6153
SERIUNAM WRD Palabras= Plant 648
SERIUNAM WRD Palabras= Medicinal 82
SERIUNAM WRD Palabras= on 2509
SERIUNAM WRD Palabras= Congress 144
SERIUNAM WRD Palabras= International 8330
SERIUNAM WRD Palabras= first 33
SERIUNAM WRD Palabras= the 13777
SERIUNAM WRD Palabras= of 28075
SERIUNAM WRD Palabras= Proceeding 3
SERIUNAM WRD Palabras= Proceeding of the first International Congress on Medicinal Plant Research held at the University of Munich Germany September 6 10 1976 0